Hugo went to the V.E.T today to be D.O.N.E! He is now feeling very sorry for himself, as you would expect. He was also micro-chipped, had his nails cut and had a nasty tick removed from his face - he wouldn't let us near it.
He has sometimes gone lame on his back leg and holds it off the ground for a few seconds before continuing doing whatever he was doing so I asked them to check for hip
dysplasia while he was under the anaesthetic - the x-ray confirmed he had got mild to moderate dysplasia so we will have to watch his weight in the future. He is now 36.5 kg so has put on 2.5 kg since May.
When we went to collect him the nurse came down first carrying the largest plastic funnel you have ever seen to stop him chewing on his poorly places ( he had a cannula in his front leg as well which they had trouble getting in because he would not let them, hence rather a lot of blood!). He hasn't had to wear it yet as he has just slept since we got him home but I'm sure he will just think it's another flower pot and try and eat it! Cooking him some fresh turkey breast for his tea - time for pampering I think.
Poor Hugo, im sure tomorrow he will be making you feel really guilty for having him DONE and will be searching for his missing bits!