Saturday, 1 December 2012

Healthy eating!

Worn out!
It's been much colder this week and Hugo and Pip love it - the slightest bit of frost and they're out there, hoovering up the decking with their tongues and romping in the grass. Pip's not quite so hardy as Hugo though and likes to come in for a nice warm by the fire.

Toby and I took them for a lovely long walk this morning through Standish Woods -  the car park was quite full when we got there so we went a different path from normal and found some really quiet and secluded spots which was fantastic and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We did meet someone riding a horse that Hugo was quite keen to play with  - Pip was more interested in trying to eat what it had deposited - but apart from them there were only a couple of other dog walkers around. As usual Hugo and Pip had a wonderful time dragging us up and down banks and round trees - they are like small children with all the leaves down and the frost made them nice and crisp.
It's normally Pip on the sofa but tonight it was Hugo's turn.

The long walk did the trick and Hugo and Pip have been asleep for most of the day, apart from when I was trying to do some baking this afternoon that is. They will insist on lying where you have to keep stepping over them so you feel like you've taken part in an obstacle race by the time you've finished. I don't know how but they seemed to guess one of the things I was making was some dog biscuits for them - I have made them before but this time I put some liver pate into the mixture so they could probably smell it. By the time the biscuits came out the oven they were both drooling and I had to blow on a couple to get them cool enough for them to have straight away. I think I can safely say they were a huge success as they have eaten almost half of them already (there were about 50 to start with). I also made a fruit cake and discovered Hugo and Pip are quite partial to the dried mixed fruit  which rather surprised me - the only raisin Sid would eat was if it was covered in chocolate! Just hope it doesn't have a detrimental effect on their stomachs!


  1. The sort you might make for someone's 80th birthday! I was having a practise run as I haven't used this recipe before. It's very good - we've eaten half of it already!

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