Sunday, 5 May 2013

The great outdoors!

Enjoying the sunshine

Miss Pip has discovered a new game! She has found she can get under the decking and run around underneath, tormenting poor Hugo who doesn't stand a chance of getting his body under there. Funny thing is she has chosen the lowest point to get under which can't be more than about 6" high and she has to scrabble on her tummy to get in. Wonder if she's found any furry friends under there to keep her amused!

The guilty culprits!
Somebody has been helping with the garden and we now have several large holes in the lawn-that-was - the largest one we frequently refill only to go back a few minutes later to find it freshly dug again, usually with something like a rugby ball or the remains of a teddy bear sticking out of it. Unfortunately, it is right behind where I hang the washing on the line and on several occasions I have almost stepped back in it. Hugo and Pip look so innocent too but I have managed to take photographic evidence of work in hand.

Pip waiting for butterflies!
Hugo eyeing up the distant cows!
Hugo just loves to be able to lean out of our bedroom window watching the world go by - he really is the most nosey dog going. As soon as we wake up in the morning I have to draw the curtains and throw the window open for him to have a look - never mind there is a gale blowing in. I'm always a bit worried that our neighbours opposite might get a bit paranoid about being watched but all the children call up to him when they pass by and everyone seems very amused by him. He is particularly interested in the dustbin men who normally start on our road at 6.30am. This week, however, they were late and so Martin was out walking Hugo and Pip when they came round. The bin men made a huge fuss of them because they had always seen Hugo watching them and recognised him straight away so Hugo
Paddling in the river
was very pleased with himself when he came back in.

Had to laugh this afternoon when a fly dared come in to the house. Pip and Hugo were
so different in how they reacted - Miss Pip was after it, leaping and crashing in to the front door trying to catch it whereas Hugo came quivering in to the front room hiding himself as close to us as he could get - what a big brave bear he is!

It has been a beautiful weekend here and, this afternoon, Toby and I took Hugo and Pip out for a lovely walk. For the first time this year the ground was dry enough to go through the meadows by the River Frome and, surprisingly, there was hardly a soul in sight. Hugo and Pip thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine, dipping their toes and drinking out the river. Pip was captivated by butterflies and was leaping in the air trying to catch them as they fluttered past her. Hugo, on the other hand, had his sights set on the herd of cows that were behaving a very frisky fashion - think he wanted to join them.

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